Getting Help

How to get help

If you are left feeling confused at any point, please do not hesitate to ask questions! The process of Mastering Anki can feel like a seriously daunting task. ☠️ While we do offer one-on-one tutoring for those who would like individualized attention, this course was designed to thoroughly cover the fundamentals. But if you are still lacking clarity after working through a lesson, don't worry - we are here for you.

In the future we will significantly upgrade our user support options.

For now, you can get help simply by sending an email to [email protected]

We are also considering holding biweekly office hours during which you will have opportunity to ask us questions in real-time. If this is something you'd like to take advantage of, leave a comment here to let us know and we will set that up ASAP.

We love hearing from our students and will respond to you as soon as we can. Best of luck! 🥂

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